Prepare to be (self-) Aware


The 'Know Thyself. Heal Thyself. - Workbook' helps you to master your journey of self-discovery and self-healing.
It provides thorough knowledge, exercises of self-reflection, and established healing tools.
In the first section, you will learn to understand your life laid out as a Hero's Journey, this ancient myth about the stadial unfolding of your psyche mirrored outwardly into your reality. You will further be shown all different aspects of your complex Self determining your life's journey consciously and subconsciously widely known as the Tree of Life.
In the second section, healing tools (breathwork exercises, the Ho'oponopono Forgiveness Ritual, and positive affirmations) will be given to proceed and even succeed in your healing of childhood wounds and dysfunctional thought patterns.

Reveal, feel, and Heal.

Certainly, this Workbook is not meant to treat any serious psychological or emotional/mental disorders. It is not a medical treatment, but a complementing tool and trustworthy companion to start to work with your Self, to dare to take responsibility, to become self-aware gaining knowledge about your human experience, which then also offers the opportunity of self-transformation and healing.
The Workbook is based on the author's personal decade-long experiences, studies, and success to assuage her own longing to understand and heal.
It is inspired by the author's 'Know Thyself. Heal Thyself. - Trilogy', an educational and uplifting novel in three parts (Mind, Body, Soul) telling about a girl's heroic life journey.